
[비즈니스 영어] 콜드 이메일 보내는 양식 - 기업 최초 미팅 요청 메일 작성

Tech Box 2020. 8. 19. 19:12

기존에 관계가 있지 않은 기업을 영업하기 위해 콜드 이메일(cold email)을 보내야하는 경우가 있습니다. 대부분 공식 홈페이지의 파트너십 제안과 같은 메뉴 또는 링크드인 통해서 미팅을 조율하게 되는데요. 관련해서 참고할 수 있는 비즈니스 이메일 템플릿을 아래와 같이 정리했습니다.



To BBB(기업명)

Hello. This is Tom(이름), in charge of the CCCC project(프로젝트명) in AAA product team.


The reason I reached out to you is to request a meeting with your company to discuss about the strategic partnership. Currently, we are considering to develop a strategic partnership with Japanese finance data company for our global banking project.


To give you a quick summary of who we are, please refer to the below.


(회사 소개) AAA is an internet banking service company based in South Korea. We operate Korea’s number one banking service Product A and Wow network in Japan with annual revenue of more than $1 billion in 2019. We have seen consistent growth every year since the company was found in 2005. AAA is one of the world’s most innovative companies and ranked 50th on Magazine B list in July 2019.


CCCC, launched in 2010, is one of the biggest banking services in South Korea, and we have been operating qualified 주요 기능A, 주요기능B, and 주요기능C, and more.


Now, our team is considering to develop a banking platform for AAA & its subsidiaries’ global services including Wow network, and Japan is on top of the list for our global finance  project. In the near future, we want to build a banking platform to facilitate the best experience for our users in Japan.


We’ve researched your business, but BBB is new to us, and we want to know very much what the possibilities are to connect with BBB’s banking data and set up a strategic partnership where we can offer finance data for our users.


It would be great if we could meet face to face in Osaka within this month if possible (I’ve checked your HQ is located in OOO, I’m sorry in advance if you don’t have any branches in Osaka). If possible, we hope to have a meeting on October 30th.


Participants from our side will be CEO, Director of Product, Director of Engineering and me.


Please feel free to contact me regarding the meeting and for any other inquiries.


You can reach me on 이메일 주소 / +82-10-1111-2222


Best regards,

